#archlinux-ports | Logs for 2017-08-21

[03:40:14] -!- Faalagorn has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[07:12:31] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
[07:14:02] -!- deep42thought has quit [Client Quit]
[09:16:25] -!- phillid has quit [Quit: Floating point exception (core dumped)]
[09:17:23] -!- bokchoi has joined #archlinux-ports
[09:18:37] bokchoi is now known as phillid
[09:37:29] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
[10:06:59] -!- eschwartz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:09:54] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux-ports
[11:00:28] -!- deep42thought has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:01:12] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
[11:59:00] -!- deep42thought has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:14:08] -!- Faalagorn has joined #archlinux-ports
[16:33:28] -!- Faalagorn has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:52:30] -!- tyler has joined #archlinux-ports
[16:52:53] tyler is now known as Guest71374
[17:32:39] Guest71374 is now known as tyzoid
[19:25:24] -!- eschwartz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:25:45] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux-ports
[19:34:48] -!- guys has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:34:48] -!- ztrawhcse has joined #archlinux-ports
[19:35:16] -!- eschwartz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:35:49] ztrawhcse is now known as guys
[19:37:11] -!- guys has quit [Client Quit]
[19:45:06] -!- guys has joined #archlinux-ports
[19:46:14] -!- isacdaavid has quit [Quit: isacdaavid]
[19:53:51] -!- eschwartz has joined #archlinux-ports
[20:54:33] -!- wakejagr_ has joined #archlinux-ports
[20:57:04] <wakejagr_> so, the archlinux-2017.08.01-dual.iso contains the standard x86_64 image as well as the community i686 image? I've got a 32-bit netbook as well as a new laptop and I'd love to be able to install both from the same media.
[20:58:44] <tyzoid> wakejagr_: It's technically standard - We build it ourselves, so it's not a dualboot of our image and the official image. It's all our image
[20:58:56] <tyzoid> wakejagr_: The mirrorlist points to the official mirrors, so you can do an official install with it
[20:59:03] <tyzoid> even though it's an "unofficial" iso
[20:59:37] <wakejagr_> ah, makes sense. thanks
[21:05:40] <eschwartz> To clarify, the official ISO is signed by the Pierre Schmitz IIRC, proving it came from the Arch Linux community. The archlinux32 ISO comes from archlinux32 :p (but we are pretty confident in it). Arch Linux does not officially refuse support to people who use some other ISO -- any ISO is okay, and anyone can build their own, as long as it installs the official packages and you follow the Installation Guide on the Wiki.
[21:07:32] <tyzoid> wakejagr_: I personally sign the arch32 isos with my package signing key, which is in turn signed by three devs who have their keys signed by the arch32 master key
[21:07:43] <tyzoid> wakejagr_: Bit complicated, but you can verify the signature if you wanted.
[21:17:05] -!- wakejagr_ has quit [Quit: Page closed]