#archlinux-ports | Logs for 2017-10-16

[01:02:05] -!- Polichronucci has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[06:13:20] guys is now known as eschwartz
[06:21:18] eschwartz is now known as guys
[06:43:36] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
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[08:34:37] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
[08:46:17] -!- vboxler has joined #archlinux-ports
[08:48:36] <vboxler> Hello, is this problem solved? https://bbs.archlinux32.org
[08:48:38] <phrik> Title: pacman -Syu - 4.13.3-1-ARCH - displayerror / Installation / Arch Linux 32 Forums (at bbs.archlinux32.org)
[08:49:03] <vboxler> pacman -Syu - 4.13.3-1-ARCH - displayerror
[08:49:20] <deep42thought> since you get the same problem with lubuntu, it's a kernel issue and not an arch issue
[08:49:28] <deep42thought> so it needs to get fixed upstream
[08:50:37] <vboxler> i can use at this time linux 4.13.7-1
[08:51:13] <vboxler> the problem is this kernel 4.13.3-1
[08:51:42] <deep42thought> where do you get 4.13.7-1 from?
[08:52:13] <vboxler> package search https://www.archlinux.org
[08:52:15] <phrik> Title: Arch Linux - linux 4.13.7-1 (i686) (at www.archlinux.org)
[08:52:33] <deep42thought> does the testing 4.13.5-1 from archlinux32 work too?
[08:53:06] <vboxler> i don t know
[08:53:30] <vboxler> achlinux32 don t have package search
[08:53:42] <deep42thought> it has pacman -S
[08:53:59] <vboxler> i don have archlinux at this time
[08:54:30] <vboxler> my archlinux is down and delete
[08:55:21] <deep42thought> well, I suggest you wait a few minutes, until _our_ 4.13.7-1 enters staging (and testing thereafter), then you can install that and it should work, too
[08:56:58] <vboxler> when get archlinux32 an new iso?
[08:57:12] <deep42thought> 1st of november
[08:57:16] <deep42thought> presumably
[08:58:03] <vboxler> thank you, i will try a new start in november
[08:58:21] <vboxler> have a nice day, cu
[08:58:24] <deep42thought> cu
[08:58:32] -!- vboxler has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[09:34:46] <brtln> I'll be traveling in the first week of November so I will announce the deprecation the week after
[09:34:48] <brtln> fyi
[09:34:55] <jelle> uh oh
[09:34:57] <jelle> :)
[09:35:09] <deep42thought> thanks for the info
[09:35:31] <deep42thought> can you give me a one-day head start?
[09:35:40] <brtln> sure
[09:35:43] <deep42thought> thanks :-)
[09:35:45] <brtln> I need to prepare a news post anyway and I hate writing these
[09:35:51] <deep42thought> :-D
[09:40:38] <jelle> brtln: 32 bit is dead, long live archlinux32.org
[09:40:49] <deep42thought> lol
[12:14:38] -!- r00t^2 has quit [Quit: i don’t know why i think pressing ctrl-c harder will help.]
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[13:23:53] <punk4eva> do you guys check for extra warnings on namcap for i686?
[13:30:19] <jelle> what extra warnings?
[13:36:07] <punk4eva> like text relocation, which doesn't happen on x64
[13:36:30] <punk4eva> as mentioned above, I dropped i686 for mit-scheme because of it
[13:37:54] <jelle> punk4eva: hmm not sure
[13:52:06] <deep42thought> no, we don't
[13:52:35] <deep42thought> we probably _should_ look at it, though
[13:54:42] <punk4eva> k
[14:39:03] <deep42thought> we should be now _saving_ the build logs - let's see, what kind of warnings pop up in the namcap logs :-)
[15:32:09] <deep42thought> tyzoid: the i686 iso you uploaded seems fine: the kernel is ours and the mirrorlist is also correct
[15:32:25] <deep42thought> I haven't tried to install anything from it, but I don't see, why that should not work
[15:32:52] <deep42thought> on a site note, all mirrors are commented out - is this the same as on the official iso?
[15:48:15] -!- isacdaavid has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:14:43] -!- guys has joined #archlinux-ports
[16:30:22] -!- because has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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[16:47:58] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[16:56:32] -!- WarheadsSE has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
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[18:29:36] guys is now known as eschwartz
[19:02:46] -!- wyre has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
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[21:45:02] -!- Serge33 has joined #archlinux-ports
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[23:02:51] -!- bear_ has joined #archlinux-ports
[23:04:33] <bear_> Hi eveyone. I have a question about archlinux on 32 bit and the archlinux32 project. I read that arch officially ceases to support 32 bit architecture by November. Does archlinux32.org provide mirrors and packages after that date?
[23:10:55] -!- bear_ has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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[23:18:21] -!- bear_bee has joined #archlinux-ports
[23:18:37] <bear_bee> Hi
[23:21:25] <fsckd> hello
[23:22:12] <fsckd> archlinux32 is usable now if you want to try it. it has its own mirrors.
[23:23:54] <bear_bee> Hi. I have a question about that: Since Arch officially stops supporting 32 Bit, which mirrors will I have to use starting November?
[23:28:47] <fsckd> good question. there are others who can answer that in an official capacity, if you are willing to wait.
[23:29:24] <fsckd> from what i understand, the process to convert from ARch Linux to Arch Linux 32 is intended to be simple.
[23:29:43] <guys> bear_bee: you'll just switch to the archlinux32 mirrorlist and pacman -Syu
[23:29:52] <fsckd> you can find a list of mirrors from https://github.com/archlinux32/packages/blob/master/core/pacman-mirrorlist/mirrorlist
[23:29:53] <phrik> Title: packages/mirrorlist at master · archlinux32/packages · GitHub (at github.com)
[23:30:46] <fsckd> that GitHub account is linked to from the main site if you need to find it again.
[23:33:25] <bear_bee> thx. I already installed Arch32 via your iso the other day, but the mirrorlist was empty from the beginning, so I am using "offical" mirrors right now.
[23:35:49] <bear_bee> I was a little confused on how to "switch" so thanks for clarifying. Maybe it would be good to have a faq on the website with that question. There might be a couple of 32 Bit Archers out there who will be a little desperate once the offical mirrors don't work any longer.
[23:36:15] <fsckd> the biggest issue with switching are the keys
[23:37:07] <fsckd> since Arch Linux 32 packages are signed with different keys than Arch Linux.
[23:38:08] <fsckd> i think the keys package on 32 is signed by an Arch person, to make transition easier. i don't actually know the current situation on this, so don't quote me on it. :P
[23:39:12] <bear_bee> https://archlinux32.org/download/
[23:39:13] <phrik> Title: Arch Linux 32 (at archlinux32.org)
[23:39:20] <bear_bee> Seems to give me all the answers
[23:40:03] <bear_bee> I would have never suspected that information under Dowload
[23:47:04] -!- bear_bee has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]