#archlinux-ports | Logs for 2018-01-03

[00:07:40] -!- brose has joined #archlinux-ports
[00:08:12] <brose> howdy all, admin for mirror.math.princeton.edu here - anyone know if there's a contact for archlinux32? rsync://mirror.archlinux32.org seems down.
[00:16:22] <guys> that would be tyzoid or deep42thought, one of them should see your message soon.
[00:17:11] <tyzoid> brose: Temporarily use rsync://32.arlm.tyzoid.com if the master mirror's rsync is down.
[00:17:34] <tyzoid> brose: Deep42thought administers the master mirror.
[00:18:42] <brose> tyzoid, would there be any benefit, or does that target also go against the same master?
[00:19:18] <brose> by the way, http://mirror.math.princeton.edu
[00:19:19] <phrik> Title: Index of /pub/archlinux32 (at mirror.math.princeton.edu)
[00:19:33] <brose> available via http, https, and rsync, and connected at 20-gigs
[00:19:57] <tyzoid> brose: sweet. It rsyncs against the same master, but if master is offline, it's likely to be online.
[00:20:07] <tyzoid> It's just my mirror over in atlanta
[00:21:23] <brose> tyzoid, so are you seeing the same errors? I'd guess in this case our mirrors are both identical
[00:22:09] <tyzoid> brose: I am. I believe https://mirror.archlinux32.org to be your issue.
[00:22:11] <phrik> Title: #archlinux-ports | Logs for 2018-01-02 (at mirror.archlinux32.org)
[00:23:12] <brose> tyzoid, yuppp that'd do it. if we're going against the same mirror, I'm happy to continue being tier-1 and be patient. Just wanted to be sure that someone upstream knew this was going on
[00:24:23] <tyzoid> brose: Yup, will do. Would you mind making a PR to add your mirror to https://github.com ?
[00:24:24] <phrik> Title: packages/mirrorlist at master · archlinux32/packages · GitHub (at github.com)
[00:25:32] <tyzoid> brose: I can do it later, if you'd prefer I handle that, though.
[01:40:05] <bill-auger> what is signified by the first line of a PKGBUILD # $Id$ - should this be preserved?
[01:50:20] <guys> bill-auger: that is subversion metadata which can be expanded by subversion to indicate the last person to edit the file
[01:50:29] <guys> It is very much unimportant.
[02:07:23] <brose> tyzoid, https://github.com
[02:07:25] <phrik> Title: Added Princeton Math mirror by all-my-base · Pull Request #9 · archlinux32/packages · GitHub (at github.com)
[02:07:44] <brose> tyzoid, can you check that this is correct? My git-fu is very streets behind :-(
[02:25:00] <guys> brose: Seems reasonable
[02:52:32] -!- bill-auger has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
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[06:18:33] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux-ports
[06:21:59] <deep42thought> brose: port changed to 22873
[06:28:19] -!- oaken-source has joined #archlinux-ports
[06:33:46] <brose> deep42thought, aye, thanks. seems to be working now as expected
[06:33:59] <brose> submitted a PR on github to add our mirror in
[06:34:03] <deep42thought> I also remapped the real rsyncd port
[06:34:11] <deep42thought> as I see the non-standard port is inconvenient
[06:34:23] <deep42thought> brose: I just merged your pull request
[06:54:47] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Hmm, still shows open
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[06:57:52] <tyzoid> deep42thought: Was the packagebuild change supposed to include the merge?
[06:58:19] <deep42thought> it was
[06:58:40] <deep42thought> ah
[06:58:48] <tyzoid> deep42thought: January isos are online, btw.
[06:59:42] <deep42thought> nice
[07:00:06] <deep42thought> ah, I forgot to click on "Confirm merge"
[07:00:08] <deep42thought> :-/
[07:01:27] <deep42thought> funnily, the checksum changed before, too
[07:01:36] <deep42thought> but now it should contain the new mirror ...
[07:03:22] <brose> deep42thought, hey neat, probably my first real git merge. not much of a dev, more sysadmin here :-)
[07:04:08] <tyzoid> brose: welcome to devops :P
[07:04:26] <brose> oh no, the forbidden term ;-)
[07:04:52] <tyzoid> anyway, I'm off to bed. It's 1am here in ET.
[07:04:59] <tyzoid> See ya in the morning
[07:05:07] <brose> tyzoid, night and thanks!
[07:16:13] <deep42thought> good night
[07:52:40] -!- deep42thought has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[09:59:38] -!- bq has quit [Quit: Floating point exception (core dumped)]
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[16:06:14] -!- mrkiko has joined #archlinux-ports
[16:06:22] <mrkiko> Hello all guys
[16:06:29] <deep42thought> Hi mrkiko
[16:06:55] <mrkiko> deep42thought: I am running successfully 4.15-rc6+ on this 32-bit system, and I compiled it using the latest binutils package. So I can confirm everything works on this side, or so it seems.
[16:07:07] <mrkiko> deep42thought: hello! :)
[16:07:12] <mrkiko> And happy new year to you and all of you guys
[16:07:31] <deep42thought> yeah, happy new year
[16:07:31] <tyzoid> sweet!
[16:07:38] <deep42thought> thanks for the positive report :-)
[16:07:41] <tyzoid> same to you too, mrkiko
[16:12:25] <deep42thought> btw: the buildmaster is now also in irc
[16:12:38] <deep42thought> it should tell us immediately if some package breaks (for the first time)
[16:14:30] <tyzoid> sounds good.
[16:14:46] <deep42thought> I was planning to expose the "why-dont-you" interface to irc
[16:17:49] <mrkiko> tyzoid: :) thank you!
[16:17:56] <mrkiko> thank you deep42thought , all
[16:27:14] -!- Polichronucci has quit [Quit: ""]
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[17:06:00] <deep42thought> buildmaster: why dont you unstage haskell-text
[17:06:00] <buildmaster> The following packages are dependent on "haskell-text", but cannot be unstaged:
[17:06:01] <buildmaster> cgrep.a664eb2a8cbc57c7048707d068bb2122d41f29aa.19219a58e639d775418d177920b8b105482dca20.community (not built yet)
[17:06:01] <buildmaster> haskell-brick.47b3b35a6d941afd7ec7fd4f2313a52760d09349.19219a58e639d775418d177920b8b105482dca20.community (not built yet)
[17:06:01] <buildmaster> haskell-config-ini.a664eb2a8cbc57c7048707d068bb2122d41f29aa.19219a58e639d775418d177920b8b105482dca20.community (not built yet)
[17:06:01] <buildmaster> haskell-either.a664eb2a8cbc57c7048707d068bb2122d41f29aa.19219a58e639d775418d177920b8b105482dca20.community (not built yet)
[17:06:01] <buildmaster> ... (15 lines total)
[17:06:42] <deep42thought> hmm, not really suited for the public channel ...
[17:32:35] -!- isacdaavid has joined #archlinux-ports
[17:56:01] -!- brose has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
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[18:51:59] -!- swiftgeek has joined #archlinux-ports
[18:52:35] <swiftgeek> can somebody bump flashrom? it packs important changes for coreboot/libreboot
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[20:14:49] <jelle> swiftgeek: it's not flagged out of date :P
[20:15:00] <jelle> or is that bbecause I'm looking at x86_64
[20:18:42] <swiftgeek> jelle: yep x86_64 is already updated
[20:21:03] <abaumann> swiftgeek: you could try the one from testing. Those repos are always as close as possible to upstream.
[20:21:11] <abaumann> They may contain 32-bit specific bugs though. :-)
[20:22:15] -!- e1z0 has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[20:25:23] <abaumann> mmh. my stabilize-fu of flashrom didn't work?
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[21:53:04] <mrkiko> sorry, exiting; have a good night or whatever depending on TZ. :) Feel free to pm me in case.
[21:53:07] -!- mrkiko has parted #archlinux-ports
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[21:55:16] <deep42thought> swiftgeek: flashrom was stuck in community-testing, because it was not yet tested by someone
[21:55:23] <deep42thought> I moved it to community, now
[21:55:29] <swiftgeek> thx
[22:15:02] -!- bill-auger has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
[22:16:10] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux-ports
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[22:17:04] <abaumann> deep42though: thanks for blacklisting ceph :-)
[22:17:13] <deep42thought> abaumann: np
[22:17:13] <abaumann> I had to merge the extra/qemu/PKGBUILD
[22:17:18] <deep42thought> :-D
[22:17:26] <abaumann> libvirt, pifpaf and fio are adapted already
[22:17:31] <deep42thought> I saw
[22:18:38] <abaumann> ceph deserves it, github and no issue reporting enabled :->
[22:19:19] <deep42thought> "You got a problem? Then you should suggest a fix!"
[22:19:35] <abaumann> yeah. from this poing of view..
[22:19:52] <abaumann> the qt5/libglvnd/mesa-problem seem to have disappeared.
[22:19:59] <deep42thought> yes
[22:20:02] <deep42thought> thanks for that!
[22:20:27] <abaumann> np
[22:22:47] <abaumann> acutally: guys gave the right hint.. :-)
[22:26:14] <abaumann> mmh. I'm close to blacklist all of libretro.
[22:26:36] <deep42thought> :-D
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