#archlinux32 | Logs for 2021-01-21
[01:04:56] -!- MrBIOS has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:18:42] <buildmaster> pentium4/linux-zen is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[02:11:35] <buildmaster> i686/emby-server is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[02:14:07] <buildmaster> i686/libavif is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[02:18:27] <buildmaster> pentium4/emby-server is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[02:21:40] <buildmaster> pentium4/libavif is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[02:30:20] <buildmaster> i686/linux-zen is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[02:31:28] <buildmaster> i686/rclone is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[02:33:20] <buildmaster> pentium4/rclone is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[02:35:20] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:35:32] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[02:35:37] <buildmaster> !rq buildmaster
[02:35:37] <phrik> buildmaster: <buildmaster> I might be insane, but never confused ... ;-)
[02:45:28] <buildmaster> pentium4/calibre is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[02:45:55] <buildmaster> any/archinstall is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[02:53:29] <buildmaster> pentium4/staticcheck is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[02:55:31] <buildmaster> i686/python-orjson is broken (says rechenknecht): https://archlinux32.org
[02:55:40] <buildmaster> i686/staticcheck is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[02:57:19] <buildmaster> i686/prometheus are broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[02:58:24] <buildmaster> pentium4/prometheus are broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[03:14:21] <buildmaster> i486/gogglesmm is broken (says eurobuild6-7-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[03:21:25] <buildmaster> pentium4/cargo-spellcheck is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[03:22:06] <buildmaster> i686/cargo-spellcheck is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[03:30:56] <buildmaster> pentium4/python-orjson is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[03:51:27] <buildmaster> i686/r2cutter is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[03:51:54] <buildmaster> pentium4/r2cutter is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[04:27:00] <trotz> 2021/01/21 04:26 CRIT buildmaster Current Load CRITICAL - load average: 12.75, 10.36, 8.78
[04:49:40] <buildmaster> pentium4/openethereum is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[04:51:07] <buildmaster> i686/openethereum is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[04:52:04] <trotz> 2021/01/21 04:51 OK buildmaster Current Load OK - load average: 3.85, 5.27, 7.79
[06:34:43] -!- drathir_tor has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
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[07:05:48] -!- oaken-source has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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[08:01:56] -!- yans has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[12:01:26] -!- rcf has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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[13:16:51] <buildmaster> i686/kio is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[16:19:37] -!- JuniorJPDJ has quit [Quit: Bridge terminating on SIGTERM]
[16:19:44] -!- eschwartz[m] has quit [Quit: Bridge terminating on SIGTERM]
[16:21:50] -!- phrik has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:21:59] -!- phrik has joined #archlinux32
[16:31:40] -!- JuniorJPDJ has joined #archlinux32
[16:45:30] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[16:45:30] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[16:45:30] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[16:45:32] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> you should start every morning with a *-zen practice.. ;-)
[16:45:39] -!- deep42thought has joined #archlinux32
[16:45:39] <buildmaster> Hi deep42thought!
[16:45:39] <buildmaster> !rq deep42thought
[16:45:41] <phrik> buildmaster: <deep42thought> "und wieder ist ein Tag vollbracht und wieder ist nur Murks gemacht"
[16:45:43] <abaumann> hi deep42thought
[16:45:47] <deep42thought> Hi abaumann!
[16:45:58] <abaumann> I think, I understand my sudden backup space problem..
[16:46:15] * deep42thought listens, as he had some backup space problem lately, too
[16:46:18] <abaumann> ..bindfs effectively creates a duplicate for rsync (as I'm rsyncing the whole disk)
[16:46:25] <deep42thought> oh
[16:46:32] <deep42thought> you should skip over mount points, right?
[16:46:37] <abaumann> 1333248680 ./buildmaster.archlinux32.org/srv/http/mirror/archive.archlinux32.org
[16:46:38] <deep42thought> -x
[16:46:40] <deep42thought> IIRC
[16:46:40] <abaumann> 1333156560 ./buildmaster.archlinux32.org/srv/http/archive.archlinux32.org
[16:46:45] <abaumann> suppose so. :-)
[16:47:11] <abaumann> vte3 is ok now?
[16:47:21] <deep42thought> I forgot
[16:47:24] <deep42thought> no idea
[16:47:35] <deep42thought> yes, I think so
[16:47:51] <abaumann> at least pentium4 looks ok on my eeepc
[16:47:58] <deep42thought> :-)
[16:51:01] <deep42thought> we have still packages needing python3.8 :-(
[16:51:47] <deep42thought> python-asteval fails in a checksum >.<
[16:54:02] <deep42thought> !bug 69395
[16:54:03] <phrik> https://bugs.archlinux.org
[17:00:09] <buildmaster> i686/calibre is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[17:03:15] <abaumann> Just tested on i686, lxterminal and terminator are working
[17:03:22] <deep42thought> :-)
[17:05:07] <abaumann> today was my Sun Fire V240 and funny stuff in the office failing day.. :-)
[17:05:17] <abaumann> so, dealing with really old hardware now..
[17:06:50] -!- eschwartz[m] has joined #archlinux32
[17:09:46] <buildmaster> pentium4/ffmpeg is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[17:09:59] <deep42thought> error: ‘asm’ operand has impossible constraints
[17:10:01] <deep42thought> :-(
[17:10:03] <deep42thought> ffmpeg^
[17:12:16] <deep42thought> ffmpeg needs to be recompiled against new dav1d
[17:12:19] <deep42thought> but it fails :-(
[17:15:55] <buildmaster> i686/ffmpeg is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[17:16:15] <abaumann> at least ffmpeg breaks on pentium4 _and_ on i686
[17:16:31] <deep42thought> :-D
[17:16:46] <abaumann> "error: ‘asm’ operand has impossible constraints", yeah. this sounds like inline assembly gone wrong (aka works on Intel 64-bit only)
[17:16:51] <deep42thought> reproducible builds - or rather build failures
[17:17:03] <abaumann> reproducable failures. :-)
[17:17:40] <abaumann> https://forums.gentoo.org
[17:17:42] <phrik> Title: Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Error when emerging ffmpeg (at forums.gentoo.org)
[17:17:51] <abaumann> disable LTO
[17:17:57] <abaumann> LTO is experimental.
[17:18:09] <abaumann> Though there are still people believing otherwise. :-)
[17:23:09] -!- girls has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in]
[17:24:01] -!- girls has joined #archlinux32
[17:24:01] <buildmaster> Hi girls!
[17:24:01] <buildmaster> !rq girls
[17:24:02] <phrik> buildmaster: <girls> I'm married, I don't cook
[17:29:40] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[17:29:58] -!- abaumann has joined #archlinux32
[17:29:58] <buildmaster> Hi abaumann!
[17:29:58] <buildmaster> !rq abaumann
[17:29:59] <phrik> buildmaster: <abaumann> in 2019 it seems hard to get simple things working.. like filesystem actually being mounted after a reboot :->
[17:42:56] -!- trotz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:42:57] -!- buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:43:06] <deep42thought> I'm too stupid to find the proper no-lto switch, abaumann, can you please add it to ffmpeg?
[17:44:33] -!- trotz has joined #archlinux32
[17:44:34] <trotz> 2021/01/19 12:22 WARN buildmaster OS updates 20 updates, 0 ignored
[17:44:42] -!- buildmaster has joined #archlinux32
[17:44:43] <buildmaster> !rq buildmaster
[17:44:44] <phrik> buildmaster: <buildmaster> I might be insane, but never confused ... ;-)
[17:54:31] -!- samantaz__ has quit [Quit: Bye]
[17:56:26] <abaumann> let me see..
[18:03:08] -!- MrBIOS has joined #archlinux32
[18:04:57] <abaumann> ok. --enable-lto -> --disable-lto
[18:05:00] <abaumann> testing now
[18:10:54] -!- abaumann has quit [Quit: leaving]
[18:11:48] <deep42thought> that's too damn obvious - how did I miss that?
[18:17:44] <buildmaster> i486/libva is broken (says nlopc46-i486bs1): https://archlinux32.org
[18:29:03] <buildmaster> i486/gitlab-runner is broken (says eurobuild6-7-i486): https://archlinux32.org
[18:35:53] <buildmaster> i686/java-openjfx is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[18:44:56] <buildmaster> i686/blender is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[19:07:42] <buildmaster> i686/electron10 is broken (says nlopc46): https://archlinux32.org
[19:20:21] <buildmaster> pentium4/blender is broken (says eurobuild6-1): https://archlinux32.org
[19:40:50] <buildmaster> pentium4/electron10 is broken (says eurobuild6-2): https://archlinux32.org
[20:03:35] -!- titus_livius has joined #archlinux32
[20:27:59] -!- KitsuWhooa has quit [*.net *.split]
[20:28:16] -!- KitsuWhooa has joined #archlinux32
[20:37:42] <buildmaster> i486/uusi is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[21:09:56] -!- deep42thought has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[21:14:45] -!- KitsuWhooa has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[21:15:05] -!- KitsuWhooa has joined #archlinux32
[21:59:14] <buildmaster> i686/deno is broken (says nlopc43): https://archlinux32.org
[22:08:18] <buildmaster> pentium4/deno is broken (says eurobuild6-2): https://archlinux32.org
[23:33:08] <buildmaster> i486/github-cli is broken (says eurobuild6-7-i486): https://archlinux32.org